Business Partner with us
Welcome to become a Business Partner (BP) with GM Corporate Service Pvt. Ltd. for issuing Digital Signature Certificates (DSC) from your office. We are seeking Business Partners among Chartered Accountants, Company Secretaries, Cost Accountants, Sales Tax Practitioners, GST Consultants, and other interested professionals.
Why do you want to collaborate with GM Corporate as a business partner?
GM Corporate is an authorized Business Partner (BP) of Capricorn CA, ProDigiSign CA, eMudhra CA, and Pantasign CA—licensed Certifying Authorities (CAs) in India, recognized by the Controller of Certifying Authorities (CCA). Since 2010, we have been authorized to issue Digital Signature Certificates (DSCs) across India, including Tamil Nadu.
Advantages of partnering with GM Corporate
- Extra business prospects
- Zero investment
- Technical assistance
- Complete independence
- Time and cost efficiency
- Rapid delivery